This document will focus on the screens within BlueWeb that relate specifically to holiday hours. Please note that only unlock schedules can be adjusted from the web application. If you need to make permanent changes to your door's standard unlock or temporary changes to other types of schedules, follow the Configuring Cardholder Permissions Guide to adjust from the software. For current door status and to make any immediate changes to your door's schedule, go to the Doors screen. To set schedules for days in the future, go to the Holidays screen. Holidays or ‘Exceptions’ can be scheduled up to one week in advance.

Navigating the Doors Screen

The Doors screen provides information about the current status of the door(s) that your login has access to. It will show whether or not the door is online, whether it is currently locked or unlocked, and the standard unlock schedule(s) that apply to this door, if applicable. From this screen, you can make immediate changes to the door's programming.

On the left side of the screen, there is a list of all the doors that your login provides access to. This list can be filtered using the Find search bar. Click on a door in the list to see more information about it. The first table displays status information about the door. Click here for more information on Door modes and status.


If the door is programmed to unlock for certain hours of the day, these hours will be displayed here. 


If there have been temporary changes made to the standard hours displayed under Door Hours, these will display under Holiday Hours. These holiday unlock schedules are for exceptions to the standard unlock schedules for a certain date, often used for sale hours. These schedules can be managed from the Holidays screen (link in the blue menu bar).

Changing the Door Hours for Today

To change the hours for today from the standard hours to special sale day hours of (In this case, 8 AM to 5:00 PM), start by clicking on “Change today's hours for this door”. Select the new open and close times for the door. If there is more than one unlock shift for today, click on “Add Time Range” to add the additional shift.

When all schedules for the day have been set, click on the “Make Changes” button. A popup box will notify you that the change has been made. Allow the door some time for it to update with the new shifts.

When you click OK, the page will refresh to show the new shift(s), under the Holiday Hours heading. To return the door to its standard hours, click the “Return door to Standard Hours" link.

Creating Holidays

The Holidays screen allows you to make temporary changes to the unlock schedules for your doors up to one week in advance. From this screen, you can see any existing Holiday schedules for your door that are already set up, as well as the process for creating a new schedule for a door.

To Create a new Holiday Schedule for your door:

1. Select the door or doors that this new shift will apply to, from the list on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Select the date that this shift will apply to. You can only choose one date at a time.

3. Select the hours that you want the door to be unlocked for this date. If you do not want the doors to unlock at all on this date, check the box next to “Close All Day.”

4. When everything looks correct, click on the “Create Holiday” button. After a few moments, a pop-up box will confirm that the new holiday was created and that the door will be programmed overnight.

After you click OK, you will see the new holiday schedule under “Existing Future Holidays.”

If you need to make a change to the hours for a future holiday, simply create a new one for the specified door(s) and the affected date and it will overwrite the previous one.